Released: 2021
IMDB Rating: 8.08/10
In the eighth season of the Soul Land anime, the story revolves around a major battle between the two main armies, the Lord of Souls and the Lord of Witches. This battle, known as the "Great War", is a significant event in the history of the Soul Land world that affects all the main characters. In this season, we witness the emergence of new characters as well as the growth and development of existing ones. Additionally, side stories and hidden secrets about the characters' past and the Soul Land world are revealed. One of the main themes of this season is Li Sheng Yang's efforts to stop the war and prevent further damage. Li Sheng Yang uses his power and knowledge to try to bring the two sides to the negotiating table and stop the war. In this season, we also witness the emergence of a new character called the "Witch Lady" who plays a crucial role in the war and the future of the Soul Land world. Overall, the eighth season of the Soul Land anime is a season full of excitement, drama, and mystery that attracts all fans of this anime.